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Path of Exile Buy Currency Standard

Why z3dota?
Fast Delivery
We have many path of exile boosters from any region working in our service. That makes possible for us to deliver path of exile currency anytime. You just need to buy exalted orb or other poe currency and our boosters will contact you in game in a moment!
Slow Delivery
Time is money. You can find many sellers on marketplaces or forums but you will need to contact them and confirm the price. Then you will need to wait while booster will check his inventory for available amount. He might also just be offline.
Always in stock
Our path of exile currency suppliers always have orbs in stock. Moreover if you need huge number of orbs we can simply combine stock from few sellers and deliver full amount to you.
Limited amount
Many boosters play only standard league or season league and farm some specific type of orbs which result in high stock of some orbs and low stock of others. Also such boosters simply sell their inventory to bigger website like ours.
Guaranteed Delivery
Buying PoE Currency from z3ddota.com result in guaranteed delivery. We work with all major payment processing systems like PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, G2A.PAY and others. All payments are protected and verified by those payment systems. You will get your order delivered if you buy form z3ddota.com
Unsafe payment
Buying cheaper but directly from a booster is always a big risk. He can delay or even deliver smaller amount with almost no risk as you pay him directly.
Order tracking, communication with the booster
  1. Online chat with booster: Contacting your booster has never been easier. In case you need booster to appear online or ask when he is going to resume boosting - just message him using convenient online chat.
  2. Detailed order stats: Our system allows to provide detailed stats about every game booster played. You can easily track booster’s performance on your order.

Our boosters

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